
This project is funded by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and supported by Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.

We express our gratitude to Catarina and Frederico Lourenço, who authorized the edition of the unpublished handwritten versions of Os Degraus do Parnaso. Thanks are due to Sylvia Wallinger, who gave access to the recording of M. S. Lourenço’s reading of the poem Tabacaria; to Paulo Guerra, and João Sousa Monteiro as an intermediary, who shared a recording of other radio readings by Lourenço; to Leland Robert Guyer, who allowed the project to use a preliminary translation of the first chapter of the 2nd edition of Os Degraus do Parnaso. Elsa Pereira, Marisa Henriques, Ariadne Nunes and Beatriz Camps have generously shared with the project the transcriptions they made of some essays (texts n. 2, 3, 5, 16 and 19). Mário Costa took the photos of the two notebooks at present in private hands that served as the basis of the preliminary transcription work.